Thursday, June 19, 2008

Junk in my trunk

I'm not going to lie, my ride is a powder blue Lincoln Town Car. One of its redeeming qualities is the fact that it has an exquisitely expansive trunk. When the dude climbs in the trunk in this video, that's no joke. You can have a party back there. Or a morgue.

'Member how I hated my dancing lessons? When I was taking tap, I spent a good portion of the time across the street, shoplifting, then eating these babies (I loved the pudding version too).

I never did master much more than "shuffle off the buffalo".

"Black and Gold"


karey m. said...

oh my god!! again?!

only apple for me. and it was how i knew my mom loved me. instead of a wheat bran raisin muffin for my school lunch dessert...she'd throw in an apple fruit pie.

and i'd lick my finger so as not to miss a smidge of that frosted coating...remember that?!

yay. my weekend can officially begin.

{and thanks for your comment...i hated people thinking i was the victim, you know? xoxo.}

Megan said...

You got it lady. My fave? Chery, except my mother wouldn't have been caught dead giving me one. She never even bought Cheerios b/c they had too much sugar.

amber {daisy chain} said...

oh those good 'ol Hostess pies...berry was my favorite. I had to hide the wrapper in the neighbor's garbage can, these were a total no-no in our house...

Megan said...

I guess Emily and Lynda thought alike...

Anonymous said...

oh, Hostess fruit pies are awesome! haha. I love them!