Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Paulson's bailout plan has me furious.

Oh, and now McCain wants to cancel the debate? I'm no fool, and neither are millions of other Americans. We surely do have a financial crisis, but we also want to hear you speak at the debate. Hiding behind this crisis is a cheap distraction that fools no one.

Image of Market Street, San Francisco following the Great Earthquake and subsequent fires of 1906.


Claire, said...
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Megan said...

Oh man, you're busting me on my shoddy Spanish! I do like to go to the beach. Glad you're having a great day! Do you like the Pixies?

Claire, said...
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mary s. said...

This picture is so scary -- just like this frigging mess we're in. I need to educate myself more on this bailout thing...but my initial thought is, WHY should taxpayers be the ones to bail out these companies? Then again, I don't want that photo you've posted to become the reality. Ugh. I'm feeling nauseous.

Megan said...

I know, we're in a terrible fix, and I really hope that our senators and representatives do the right thing. i wrote to mine yesterday telling them to vote NO on the bailout, or if they had to to do so with some serious stipulations, such as bipartisan oversight, no golden parachutes for the CEOs and other company officers that got us into this mess, etc.

The photo, by the way is of Market Street, San Francisco after the Great Earthquake and fire of 1906.

mary s. said...

You are totally correct with the golden makes me sick!

Claire, said...
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Megan said...

Thanks Claire, but it's just something I couldn't keep quiet about. Moer people need to be vocal about what is going on, and we all need to vote so that we have a chance to keep our heads above water.