Oh my, I'm taking a gamble and moving over to Word Press. So far everything there is so EASY! More options, prettier layouts, easier to use. It took about 10 minutes to import my blog from here. I do have to go back and redo all my video because WP uses URLs, not all the code that is needed for blogger, so that's a bit of a pain. Oh, and my blogroll, don't feel slighted if it takes me a few days to get you moved! I'd be really happy if you updated your blogrolls to my new address- http://arollerskatingjam.wordpress.com. I'm not going to delete this baby yet, and will keep it active for a while so that I can make sure everyone finds me over at my new digs, especially since I haven't been so good at posting lately. I think the change of scenery will do me good! Come visit!